Small Business Strategic Planning

Our Strategic Mapping Model™ will guide you to a place of clarity, direction, and mindful plan execution and away from being overwhelmed and overworked. Uncover what's next for you, your team, and your business during 4 purposeful sessions where we delve into the seven key pillars of your business.

Are you tired of this…

  • I am so tired of working this much and not making more money.

  • I want to rejuvenate during time off for personal development, spiritual retreats and family time, but I can never relax enough to be present.

  • I am not weaving my values into my team, therefore I am not feeling aligned or fulfilled at work.

  • I want to have a clear idea of what the business bases are that I need to cover and how to cover them so that when the next burst of fast growth comes it will be less painful.

What’s the problem?

Even though you are a grounded and spiritually oriented person, you’ve tried throwing money at problems by hiring more people and paying for one-size-fits-all miracle courses. But, no one is reviewing YOUR mission, vision and values and identifying the specific obstacles you are facing, therefore the right solutions never get implemented. And you are tired of this wheel spinning energy.

Hey, I’m Becky.

I leverage my extensive experience in business growth to provide clarity, direction and a custom plan for small businesses. I’ve successfully co-founded and sold my own aerospace company (as Chief of Operations), been doing Intuitive Business Coaching since 2014 and am now diving into supporting other Conscious Leaders to avoid the pitfalls I experienced through balanced operational approaches and methods. I’ve also been studying consciousness for 2 decades and work best with other Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP) and energetically aware people who want to be even more grounded than they already are. 

The Truth

What’s really going on is we try to follow the best practices for the industry we are in, general marketing methods and use sound manifestation exercises, but none of those are addressing the actual problem. No one has identified the weak link in your system. Has anyone assessed your WHOLE SYSTEM? 

The Strategic Mapping Model does just that. During the 1 month process we will dive into the 7 strategic objectives + personal regeneration while integrating your Values and create a 365 day plan - giving clarity and direction.

Are We Good?

You Are:

A professional who is both grounded and energetically aware. You value integrating alternative and traditional approaches to your business in order to produce aligned, worldly success. Your values of conscious living, intentional actions, integrity, serendipity and harmonious communication make a great fit for us.

You're looking to take your Vision and team to the next level and want a solid foundation to operate from. 

I work best with clients who are looking for mindful guidance, depth of analysis, high quality professional planning and to increase their alignment with their values while also increasing profit. Our clients are willing to invest in a quality solution and have a genuine intention to evolve.

This is not for you if you: 

  • Think exhaustion & overwork is just how it's done

  • Believe everything is a rush

  • Care more about your outward facing image than your inward facing reality

  • Are committed to a consumptive approach towards clients

  • Don't view everyone’s wellness as a priority in their business

  • Are looking for busyness vs impact, leading to evolution

Strategic Mapping Model

You and I co-create a 365 day plan that brings clarity and direction to execute on in alignment with your values.

Step 1: All aboard! Sign a contract and payment happens.

Step 2: Execution time! Meet 3x for ~1.5 hours, 1 week apart. In between you answer questions and gather information. 

Step 3: Showtime! I present the projects and we map them into quarters within your PM software.

Step 4: Take It For A Spin. You begin implementation with your team.

Step 5: Follow Up. A month after plan presentation we meet for 30 min for next steps

How Much

Strategic Mapping Models start at $1k for start ups and scale upwards from there. Let’s connect for a custom quote.

Let’s Chat.

Click below for a link to schedule a free, no pressure Discovery Call.